If you've been dealing with a bit of loneliness during the quarantine, you're not alone. The new ghostly figures featured at Sputnik are right there with you!

As restaurants across the state begin to reopen, we take a moment to realize just how many had to shutter their doors because of COVID-19. Some, like Sputnik, were lucky and able to survive off of takeout and curbside pickup orders, while others were forced to shut down after being unable to keep up with the ever-changing demand that the pandemic brought on. But those takeout and curbside pickup orders didn't help with the emptiness of the once-bustling bar and restaurant.

So Trevor Liebler, a bartender at Sputnik who also curates art shows, created a unique art installation to help fill the hole of loneliness. And it'll have you seeing ghosts, literally.

"The installation was inspired by boredom, mostly," Liebler told Westword. "I've had an odd obsession with ghosts for a while, but mostly kept it to drawings and paintings. A co-worker, Madeline, and I were brainstorming one afternoon when the idea popped up. Dealing with a bit of loneliness and melancholy from quarantine, it seemed appropriate to bring these feelings to life."

The ghosts represent artists, musicians, gamblers, loners, and lovers who once filled the popular hangout. "We've constructed life-sized ghosts to sit at the bar and in the booths, behaving as if they were our customers on a normal night," he added. "Each ghost tells a story, but it's up to the viewer to decide what that story is."

Matt Labarge, the owner of Sputnik, agreed and said that it's nice to have "some kind of presence in the bar," even though they're not real people.

Sputnik plans to open on Monday, June 1, according to reports. And since Sputnik will only be able to seat at 50 percent capacity, those ghosts will definitely keep guests some company.

What do you think of the new art installation at Sputnik in Denver? Are you excited for restaurants to start reopening throughout the state? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. Stay safe, Colorado!