Kick up your summer drink game with this simple, fruity concoction.

Creamy lemonade is all over social media right now, and rightly so. This interesting blend of lemonade and sweetened condensed milk produces a refreshing drink that's perfect for warm weather.

Here's an easy way to make a few portions with a mason jar. Tweaking it a bit with some muddled strawberries produces a cheerful pink hue that is infinitely Instagrammable. Give it a try if you come across some ripe berries!

TikTok's Creamy Lemonade With a Strawberry Twist Recipe:

Ingredients (makes 3-4 servings):

  • 1 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 lemons
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 4 T. sweetened condensed milk

strawberries, lemons

Photo by Sarina Petrocelly


  1. In a quart-sized mason jar with a lid, mash the strawberries and sugar for about 30 seconds, until they create a chunky strawberry syrup. Cut the lemons in half, reserving a few slices to garnish. Squeeze the lemon juice into the mason jar, being careful to strain out or catch any seeds.
  2. Pour the water into the mason jar, add the sweetened condensed milk, and screw on the lid. Shake the lemonade until you see a consistent, creamy pink color.
  3. Chill in the refrigerator until you're ready to serve it, and shake well before pouring over ice. It will separate, so don't be alarmed!


  • You want to make this with the ripest strawberries you can find. Raspberries, ripe mangoes, and even mashed blueberries would make good substitutes.
  • This recipe would work with sweetened coconut cream or coconut milk and additional sugar. The beauty of making it in a mason jar is that you can keep tweaking and shaking as you go.
  • As written, this makes a great lemonade. Add a little vodka or rum and all of a sudden, you have cocktails!

Will you be trying this pink creamy lemonade recipe? If you do, let us know what you think in the comments!