Decadent, chocolaty, delectable goodness in a warm mug; is there any better way to warm your soul? As we watch the white stuff fall outside and temperatures start to drop, we know the one thing that can warm up any frosty morning, afternoon, or evening; a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

Did you know there's a distinct difference between hot cocoa and hot chocolate? Hot cocoa typically comes from a pouch, whereas hot chocolate is made by melting bits of chocolate into milk or cream and adding sugar and other spices. Who knew, right?

We've put together our favorite recipes to share with you to keep you nice and warm this winter. Some are boozy, some are gluttonous, and all are delicious and full of chocolatey goodness that'll warm up any day and put a smile on your face.

Mexican Hot Chocolate

mexican hot chocolate
Courtesy of Pixabay

This spicy-sweet take will warm your bones and soul from the inside out. Cinnamon, chili powder, cayenne, vanilla extract, and nutmeg, all topped with marshmallow, whipped cream, maybe a little sea salt and caramel? This one can be extra spicy, boozy, in-your-face, or subtle.

Pumpkin Spice Hot Cocoa

Okay, so it's no longer fall, but who says you can't enjoy pumpkin spice all year? This recipe is more pumpkin than chocolate, but it can be easily remedied to suit your sweet tooth. Pumpkin pie and chocolate are winners all the time in our book!

Brownie Batter

You had us at brownie. This one is as good as it sounds—and yes, it has real brownie batter in it. Dessert or main course, we are here for it. We might put our own twist on it by adding brownie bites or crumbled brownies on top but to each their own. If you mix it up, this one looks like it will please the masses.

Crockpot Red Wine Hot Chocolate

This boozy version is perfect for a party or an intimate evening. This one can be brewed up in a big batch in your slow cooker or crockpot and is sure to please.

Pecan Pie Hot Chocolate

pecan pie hot chocolate
Courtesy of Pixabay

Pecan pie hot chocolate with a bit of bourbon, complete with pie filling and pecans on top, puts our favorite decadent pie into a whole new form. This one is perfect after a holiday meal or just dessert on a Monday. For a fun twist, combine the Mexican Hot Chocolate recipe with the Pecan Pie recipe.

Liquid S'mores

Because a campfire in the backyard is not always possible. It has everything you need in a s’more and then some. Complete with the marshmallow fluff and Hershey squares; this also has pudding in it! We can see a lot of possibilities here, adding some liquor or caramel to give it that special twist.

Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

No, dear reader, your eyes are not deceiving you. Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate is real; it’s totally delish—and yes, you need it in your life right now. We have seen a few takes on this one and love them all. This one offers a peanut butter rim and chopped Reese’s pieces, and can be topped with, you guessed it: Reese’s peanut butter cup.

Chai Spiced Drinking Chocolate   

chai spiced drinking chocolate
Courtesy of Pixabay

Because you can have your chai and chocolate, too! For all of us who have both a chai tea addiction and an undying love of chocolate, this concoction is basically like drinking a chai-spiced ganache. Not your average cup of powered cocoa by a long shot, and we're not complaining. In fact, we could drink this every day and never not want another cup.

Oreo Mint Hot Chocolate

Oreo Mint Hot Chocolate is the drink we didn’t know we were missing. A simple recipe with only four ingredients, this one gets its kick from mint vodka. Variations on the recipe could substitute mint extract for the vodka to make it more kid-friendly.

Vanilla Mocha Hot Cocoa

For the coffee lovers among us, this one is sure to please. It’s got dark chocolate, coffee, maple syrup, and cocoa powder that's topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

And just because we can't resist it, a bonus recipe:

BONUS: Bailey's Frozen Hot Chocolate

A delicious dessert, even on a chilly day, gives us that warm and fuzzy all-over feeling. This one will need a bit of modifying to be kid-friendly—leave out the Baileys and add a cookie topper for the 21-and-under crew. Either way, it's delicious, and we can’t get enough.