It may seem unconventional, but hear us out.

The skiing season is in full swing in Colorado! Naturally, after you're done hitting the slopes and crashing through knee-deep pow-pow, you're bound to work up an appetite, right? So why not satisfy that hunger with sushi?

Yes, you read that correctly. Sushi.

But not just any run-of-the-mill sushi, my friends. No, no, no. We're talking about a more portable form of sushi: sushi burritos.

(See? Now we're starting to make sense!)

With that confusion out of the way, you're probably wondering, "what the heck is a sushi burrito, and where can I get one?"

A sushi burrito is assembled just like your typical sushi roll, with the main fillings of raw fish, rice, and vegetables, followed by a layer of rice. The only difference is that it's all wrapped up in a tight roll of rice paper, soy paper, or nori (seaweed) sheets, similar to a Mexican burrito.

Motomaki is a locally-owned restaurant (with locations in Boulder, Lakewood, and Denver) that offers custom sushi burritos, as well as rice bowls and salads. Motomaki gets its influences from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Hawaii, and strives to bring those cultures together in a unique fashion that "taste like nothing you've ever had before."

So, the next time you hit the slopes, don't forget to munch on a sushi burrito as part of your après-ski celebration! Trust us.