Celebrate in style with some delicious oysters on the half shell.

Maryland-based True Chesapeake Oyster Company is sending its bivalves all over the region in a special partnership with Mom's Organic Market. It really doesn't get much fresher than this!

All you have to do is go online to place your order. At $15 per dozen, this is a great deal for their "Skinny Dipper" or "Huckleberry" oysters. Yes, you can save by placing an even bigger order.

Designate your closest branch of Mom's Organic Market as your pickup spot and you'll be enjoying your oysters in no time.

These local beauties come from the waters of St. Jerome's Creek and all you need to savor them is a shucking knife and some patience. Click here to watch a simple YouTube video on how to shuck them yourself.

Plan on at least a half dozen per person if you're using them as a luxurious starter, and don't forget the lemons, cocktail sauce, and saltine crackers.

If you don't think you have it in you to shuck a fresh oyster, try roasting them.

Scrub the oysters clean with cool water, place them in a roasting pan with the flat side facing up, and slide them in a preheated 400-degree oven until they pop open. It should take about five minutes, so watch them closely! Serve with melted garlic butter or hot sauce for a simple, briny appetizer. You can also grill them to get the same effect.

However you decide to prepare them, these fresh oysters will be the star of your holiday table.

What's your favorite way to enjoy local oysters? Have you ever tried the ones from True Chesapeake Oyster Company? Let us know in the comments!