Sorry, pumpkin spice mac and cheese will only be available in Canada.

Pumpkin spice is one of the most popular fall trends for food and drink in North America. Each fall, products are added to a growing roster of pumpkin spice-flavored products. This year, the people at Kraft Heinz are getting in on the action with a Pumpkin Spice Mac and Cheese. The Pumpkin Spice KD (Kraft Dinner), as itโ€™s called by Kraft, is their signature macaroni and cheese all dressed up like a PSL. Unfortunately, the Pumpkin Spice KD will only be available for 1,000 people, and those people will have to live in Canada. 

This is not Canada, but the story of the Canadians' love for mac and cheese is interesting. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, or KD, is the unofficial national dish of Canada. Each year, Canadians buy and consume more than 50 percent more boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese than in the U.S. Canadians also have their own recipes that include tweaking the amount of butter and milk and adding things like hot dogs. That is probably why Kraft Heinz decided to introduce this product mashup to Canada alone.

"KD has always been known for its one of a kind cheesy taste and after years of watching Canadians get excited for pumpkin spice season, we felt that it was time to combine the two iconic flavours and create Pumpkin Spice KD," said Brian Neumann, Senior Brand Manager, Brand Building & Innovation, Kraft Heinz Canada. "Canadians have always made KD their own way and not many people would expect KD to be part of the PSL conversation, but that's the whole point.

The KD PSL will be sprinkled with a blend of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice. Each pumpkin spice pack will come with mac and cheese with spice topping, as well as a tall, white coffee cup with a misspelled name and fork. If you live in Canada, you can enter online for a chance to get one of 1,000 personalized Pumpkin Spice KD gift packs. Not in Canada? Make your own pumpkin spice KD at home!

What do you think? Would you eat pumpkin spice mac and cheese? Where do you draw the line when it comes to pumpkin spice? Tell us in the comments!