Hot dogs? Doritos? ... In your pizza crust?!

We're all about pizza here at Our Community Now—specifically, good pizza. And that's honestly a lot harder than you may think, but it's not impossible. We've gone into the ins and outs of what pizza toppings match your personality, what hot sauces pair best with different pizzas, and so much more. But we've yet to deep dive into crusts. Until now, that is.

Buckle up! We're about to go into uncharted territory: the weirdest types of stuffed crust pizzas. Our list includes hot dog stuffed crust, Doritos stuffed crust, and even shrimp stuffed crust! Yes, shrimp ... in your pizza crust. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, folks! Here are some of the weirdest types of stuffed crust pizza we've ever heard of:

*Please note: almost all of the following types of stuffed crust pizza were publicity stunts and no longer exist.

Hot Dog Stuffed Crust Pizza

Back in 2015, Pizza Hut Australia gave us a hot dog stuffed crust pizza. And for some reason, they thought it was a good idea. The general public was not as impressed:

A taste test with Business Insider said, "The hot dog was salty, the pretzel surrounding it was salty — there's just no way I could eat more than a slice of this." While the original crust got higher marks, some said the hot dogs detracted from the crust and should have been used as a topping instead.

Doritos Stuffed Crust Pizza

Normally, we love Doritos, but this has us scratching our heads. Another one from the brilliant (?) minds at Pizza Hut, the Doritos stuffed crust pizza made its debut in 2014.

"Why Doritos? Well it is a globally loved brand and they have the best corn chips to deliver the ultimate crunch," said Fatima Syed, Pizza Hut Australia's head of marketing and innovation. "We know from research how big an impact the crunch sound has on one’s appetite."

Shrimp Stuffed Crust Pizza

Okay, at this point, Pizza Hut is just ruling the world of weird stuffed pizzas, because this one comes from them, again. Pizza Hut Japan gave us the abomination that is the shrimp stuffed crust pizza in 2015.

Why? We're still asking ourselves that question all these years later ...

Creme Egg Stuffed Crust Pizza

While this one isn't real, it's just too weird to not include it on our list. So, you're welcome..? The creme egg stuffed crust pizza was an elaborate April Fools' Day prank by the PR peeps at (of course) Pizza Hut. And thank goodness it was just a prank, because yikes.

Are there any other weird types of stuffed crust pizzas we missed on our list? Comment below.