Don't skip the imported food aisle next time you want a chocolate fix.

Every now and then, you need something new. Why should your candy choices be any different? The subjects for this article came from my local grocery stores: Wegmans, Publix, and Harris Teeter. If you can't find them near you, try looking online. Some of these international treats are downright delicious and definitely worth the extra trouble.

Bounty (UK)

Coconut and chocolate have always been a good combination for me, and Bounty didn't disappoint. Each packet comes with two little pieces, which is just the right amount for something so sweet. It's similar enough to "Mounds" that I wouldn't get this one again. 

Bounty chocolate bar

Mars (UK)

Something about the wrapper made me think that this would be dark chocolate, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. This is a pleasant combination of caramel and nougat, coated in milk chocolate. Meh.

chocolate bar

Violet Crumble (Australia)

This Australian import is absolutely fantastic. The chocolate coating is hiding a crispy honeycomb candy that melts in your mouth, sort of like a really good, airy peanut brittle. It's somehow light and delicate while still being sweet and satisfying. If you see this out in the wild, give it a try!

Violet Crumble

Cono Snack (Italy)

Hands down, this was my favorite of the bunch. It's a tiny little sugar cone filled with a whipped chocolate mousse and topped with chocolate ganache. On top, you get a few candy-coated chocolates, just like mini M&Ms. Run, don't walk to find these or order them online. They also come in caramel, vanilla, and hazelnut variations.

Cono chocolate

Lion Bar (Australia)

This candy bar from down under is pretty complex, with a crispy wafer cookie, caramel, rice cereal, and milk chocolate. I'd rate this as good, but not something I'd go out of my way to get. For something similar, get a "Whatchamacallit."

Lion bar

**All photos by Sarina Petrocelly

What are some of your favorite imported chocolate bars? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to tell us where we can find them.