Starbucks has rolled out new drink lids that encourage straw-free sipping.

You'll see new lids at your local Starbucks store starting this month, unless you order a frozen drink or a beverage topped with whipped cream. The move has been in the works for a while, and the coffee giant had this to say about it:

“Recyclable, strawless lids for customers across the U.S. and Canada is another step in our journey to reduce our environmental footprint. As we move closer toward our 2030 target of a 50 percent reduction in waste sent to landfills, the long-standing history of innovation within Starbucks, partnership across the industry and changing consumer behavior remain fundamental to our purpose and our prosperity as an organization.” —Michael Kobori, Chief Sustainability Officer for Starbucks

If you can't imagine drinking your 'bucks without the iconic green straw, they will still have other non-plastic options available if you ask. This may also be a good time to invest in your own reusable metal straw. 


For the most part, it seems that customers either love or hate the new sippy lids. People are weighing in on the change all over Twitter.

For more information, check out the official Starbucks press release about the new lids or swing by for an iced coffee and see what all the hype is about.

**The photos in this article are courtesy of Starbucks.

What do you think about this new development? Are you happy about it, or will you miss the iconic green straws? Sound off in the comments!