Don't bother pinching yourself; this is NOT a dream. The great minds at Busch have put together a contest to give one lucky couple a $25,000 grand prize wedding.

Forget the champagne toast – Imagine a whole beer-themed wedding courtesy of Busch. You'll get $25,000 to spend however you'd like, the Busch Guy to officiate, and as much Busch beer as you and your guests can drink. 

Busch guy

The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2019, so get your thinking caps on. Busch wants to hear from you online, through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or their online submission form, and you'll need a great concept if you want to win this contest. While a beer can bouquet isn't mandatory, it certainly couldn't hurt!

beer bouquet

To enter, use the hashtags #BuschWeddings and #Contest and tell Busch why you deserve nuptials sponsored by them. Keep it upbeat and eye-catching – entries will be judged on creativity and how well the Busch brand can be featured.

Even if you're not entering the contest, keep an eye out for all of the submissions and comment on your favorites – You could potentially help out the winning couple!

Busch beer

Things to Keep in Mind

  • This contest is open to couples aged 21 and over in the U.S.
  • Your wedding must take place between July 1, 2019, and August 31, 2019.
  • The submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2019.
  • Winners' photos and videos WILL be used in Busch advertisements, so you have to be okay with being in the public eye!
  • The grand prize winners will be announced by Busch on social media in mid-June.

For more information, including contest rules and prize information, visit the official Busch wedding contest website.

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of the Busch Facebook page.

What do you think about this amazing wedding contest? Know anyone who might be interested? If you enter, tell us in the comments so we can check out your submission!