A shirtless Jason Momoa + Girl Scout cookies = brilliant marketing.

It's that time of the year where Girl Scouts across the country are popping up at every street corner in an attempt the sell the most boxes, and ultimately, end up causing our diet resolutions to fly out the window.

And one crafty Colorado Girl Scout came up with a very unique way to sell even more boxes of the delicious cookies -- she redesigned the Samoa boxes with images of a shirtless Jason Momoa. Um, brilliant!

Charlotte Holmberg, from Highlands Ranch, and her mother printed off photos of the Aquaman star and put them on "dozens of boxes."

Charlotte, a fifth-grader, is her troop's Top Cookie CEO -- a title a Girl Scout can earn if she consistently sells cookies. And she has more than earned that title because, in 2018, she sold more than 2,000 boxes ... by herself! And this year, she's definitely upped the ante.

"The moms are getting really excited and they're saying that they need them!" Charlotte told 9News.

All it takes to get moms excited (and you know, basically anyone with a pulse) is a shirtless Jason Momoa. And I mean, honestly, can you blame them? Have you seen that man??

jason momoa gif

"The girls will wanna buy some because he's on the front. And the boys will also wanna buy some because he's like, he might be like their favorite character," Charlotte added.

So, sign me up for like a dozen boxes of the Momoa Samoas, please and thank you.

What do you think? What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Sound off in the comments below.

Did you know that there's a Girl Scout cookie tracker?