Just in time for Prince Harry and Megan Markle's wedding, the Duchess of Windsor Museum is auctioning off items with significant royal history.

The Duchess of Windsor Museum in Baltimore is holding an online auction on May 9, with various pieces of royal memorabilia to be auctioned off. And the timing couldn't be more perfect, with items being sold right before the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle on May 19. It's important to note that the collection will be sold as one -- not in individual pieces.
The Duchess of Windsor, formerly known as Wallis Simpson, was a woman from Baltimore who married Queen Elizabeth's uncle, King Edward VIII. Phillip Baty, owner of the Duchess of Windsor Museum, told WBAL-TV, "She was already divorced, in the middle of a second divorce, and King Edward wanted to marry her. Parliament would not allow it. He was the head of the church, but they wouldn't allow a twice-married woman to marry the king." Baty also said, "She is someone who just rocked the British monarchy. It was a scandal of major proportion." And because of their love, the king ended up abdicating the throne in 1936 and marrying her a year later. Their love story, along with artifacts from the duchess's life -- more than 700 items in the entire collection -- will be sold at the auction. [caption id="attachment_8193" align="aligncenter" width="900"]windsor museum Courtesy of WBAL-TV11[/caption] Some pieces include the Life Magazine issue that features the couple on the cover, jewelry, newspaper clippings, pottery, and even an exact replica of a hat she once wore, among many others. There are also two paintings of Wallis, one when she was a duchess and the other of her as a child in Baltimore. You can preview the items at the Adele Corner House between now and the Sunday before the royal wedding. But please keep in mind that there are a limited amount of preview dates available. The preview costs $40 per person and reservations must be made by calling Phillip Baty at (443) 310-0723. What do you think? Will you be attending one of the preview events? What about placing a bid at the auction? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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