Do you consider yourself a trustworthy person? Are you in need of a new job? The United States government may have the perfect job for you ...

As a flight attendant for top-secret flights to, you guessed it, Area 51. A job listing was posted by AECOM -- a defense contractor -- that details the qualifications for the job. AECOM has several aircrafts that fly to and from a heavily guarded terminal at Las Vegas International Airport. Some of the requirements include a high school education or higher, the ability to lift up to 80 pounds, possession of good people skills, and past experience as a flight attendant. Applicants must also pass an Emergency Training and Initial Flight Attendant Training prior to being accepted. And with any high-stress job, the government is requiring that the flight attendant remain of sound mind and level-headed in situations of crisis, whether that be in the form of turbulence, poor weather, hijackings, or even bomb threats. So definitely not for those who have high anxiety levels (aka me). You can read the remainder of the job requirements and fill out the application here. It's important to note that the job could be filled relatively quickly, so make sure you submit your application as soon as possible. JANET, the airline that will be making the flights to Area 51 from the Las Vegas International Airport, is said to be so top-secret that the government hasn't even acknowledged its existence. Some people joke that JANET stands for "Just Another Non-Existent-Terminal," but many believe that it actually means "Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation."
Not much is really known about Area 51. And last year, the government finally admitted that it does exist and is used for UFO tracking -- "anomalous aerospace threats." There are tons of conspiracy theories out there surrounding Area 51. One of the more popular ones is about how there are parts of UFOs stored at the base and scientists work on understanding the alien technology to potentially use it. Many people also connect Area 51 with the Roswell incident of 1947. Do you think you could handle the pressure from this top-secret government job? Do you know somebody who could? Let us know in the comments. And also share your Area 51 conspiracy theories with us -- we love them!

Conspiracy Theories: Denver International Airport