Sylvan Lake's 70-year-old dam is due for an upgrade, so park officials have closed the lake for construction. However, some amenities will remain open to the public.

If you had a trip planned to Sylvan Lake over the summer, think again. The popular camping and recreation site is taking a bit of a hiatus this year in order to replace its nearly 70-year-old dam. The lake has already been drained, and construction is underway. Not only will the lake be closed to the public, but the surrounding trail, cabins, and campsites will be, too. Colorado Parks & Wildlife posted that while a large majority of the facilities are closed, some will remain open -- including the upper four cabins at the reservoir, the yurts, a section of the West Brush Creek Trail, the east side of the park, and the visitor center. Roads that access the national forest will also be open. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="37144,37145"]
"The dam at the lake dates back to the 1940s, and it is all earthen," Michael Wall, Sylvan Lake State Park Supervisor, told VailDaily. The dam doesn't display any imminent danger but in order to prevent future incidents, it needs to meet current standards. Its main protection will be concrete that's covered with topsoil and grass; it'll look very similar to how it does today, according to Colorado Parks & Wildlife's Dam Replacement Project flyer. The project will bring a new amenity to the park: a foot-traffic bridge that leads to the dam. "It's going to be one of the most picturesque places at Sylvan Lake," Wall said. "The backdrop at that bridge will be pretty awesome." Completion of the dam is scheduled for the fall, and the lake will refill next winter and spring. Read more about Sylvan Lake's Dam Replacement Project. What do you think? Have you been to Sylvan Lake before? Did your plans for the summer just change? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Chatfield State Park's swim beach is also closed for the summer because of construction.