10 master pastry chefs + two carpenters + 220 hours = one giant gingerbread house.

The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs is dishing out all the stops this holiday season with a large replica of the Pauline Chapel. The 12-foot-tall, 150-square-foot gingerbread house will be available for viewing until January 2, 2018. And as delicious as it looks, the gingerbread chapel won't be on the hotel's dessert menu. If only ... So don't go biting into it. Besides, if you were to eat it, it'd be 3.7 million calories! That adds up to over 288,495 percent of your total daily carbohydrates. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" link="none" ids="28775,28774"] The recipe for the gingerbread house included:

  • 958 pounds of powdered sugar
  • 475 pounds of flour
  • 650 eggs
  • 19 pounds of holiday spices
  • 200 pounds of honey
  • 128 pounds of molasses
  • 6 pounds of salt
  • 78 pounds of assorted candy, gum balls and fruit jellies
  • 164 pounds of dark chocolate
  • 89 pounds of butter
  • 3 pounds of baking soda
  • 10 pounds of heavy cream
  • 2 pounds of fresh yeast

You can watch the making of the Gingerbread Pauline Chapel below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWKbaLEU8us For more information, please visit The Broadmoor's website. Will you be stopping by The Broadmoor this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below. If you do visit the giant gingerbread house, please share your photos with us!

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