Although it seems like fall has just begun, and we haven't even hit Halloween yet, ski season will be here before you know it! While the season really picks up in the winter, early season days are right around the corner.

In Colorado, the earliest resort opening is in October. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a beginner, it's important to properly prepare your mind and body for the upcoming ski season. Today, we will discuss workouts you can do to get in ski shape, as well as some things to keep in mind for the slopes. Let's get ready to shred!

Workouts to Get in Ski Shape

Skiing and snowboarding require a combination of strength, endurance, and balance. To get your body ready for the slopes, incorporate these workouts into your exercise routine:

  • Leg Exercises: Skiing and boarding require using your legs to navigate the mountain. Incorporate exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses to build strength and endurance in your lower body.
  • Core Strengthening: Your core is crucial for stability and balance while partaking in these winter sports. Planks, Russian twists, and bicycles are a few great exercises to strengthen your core.
  • Cardiovascular Training: Skiing and snowboarding can be physically demanding, so it's important to have good cardiovascular endurance. Incorporate activities like running, biking, or swimming into your routine to improve your stamina.
  • Balance Training: Balance and control are also important skills. To improve these skills, try incorporating exercises like single-leg balances, Bosu ball squats, and stability ball planks into your workouts.

Remember to always warm up before starting any workout and to stretch afterward to prevent injury. Yoga is an excellent way to recover, as well as another great workout that can aid with balance, strength, and flexibility. In fact, Josh R., an instructor at two Yoga Box locations in Denver, is excited to create a balancing flow for the upcoming season.

If you're interested in a deeper dive into specific exercises, check out these articles from REI related to skiing and snowboarding training.

Things to Keep In Mind on the Slopes

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when hitting the mountain:

  • Stay Hydrated: The combination of physical activity and high elevation means you need to make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Visit the lodge or water stations located on the mountain to ensure you have enough fluids. You can also wear a hydration pack built for skiing. 
  • Dress Appropriately: The weather on the mountain can change quickly, so make sure to dress in layers. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, add a warm mid-layer, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer. Don't forget to also wear a helmet for safety!
  • Wear Sunscreen: Don't forget to protect your skin! The sun's rays are stronger at higher elevations and can be even more intense when reflecting off the snow. Be sure to apply sunscreen before hitting the slopes, and reapply throughout the day for maximum protection.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel tired or fatigued, take a break and rest. It's important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard on the slopes.
  • Ask for Help: You may even consider taking a lesson from a certified instructor if you're struggling with certain techniques. There are lessons geared toward riders of every level, so don't be afraid to seek guidance. Of course, you can also ask for advice from experienced friends or family members.
  • Be Patient With Yourself: We all have our own pace of progression. I've learned to be patient with myself and stop comparing my abilities with the skill levels of others through my own ski journey. It's not always easy, but it will help make your time on the mountain more enjoyable.
  • Have Fun: Building off of the last tip, remember to have fun! Skiing and boarding are thrilling and magical sports, so don't forget to take in the beautiful scenery and enjoy the ride.

Make the Most of Your Time on the Slopes

I'm so excited for the 2023–2024 ski season to get started, and I hope you are too! These tips and tricks will help you get in shredding shape and prepare you for the upcoming days spent on the mountain.

Remember to stay safe, have fun, and enjoy the beautiful winter wonderland. See you on the slopes!