Tired of visiting the same old bar? Change it up, Boulder! Here are 6 noteworthy bars you've got to visit!

Are you stuck in a rut of visiting the same old bars every weekend? Why not try something totally different than your usual watering hole? We've compiled a list of 6 noteworthy bars in Boulder that are stocked full of unique and exquisite cocktails, making you wonder why you didn't switch things up ages ago. 

Change it up, Boulder!

Tahona Tequila Bistro

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Tequila, tequila and, you guessed it, more tequila! At the appropriately named Tahona Tequila Bistro, there are over 134 different kinds of tequila that are unmatchable in both their quality and taste. In fact, most of the brands sold at Tahona can't be found anywhere else in the state! And that's because, according to manager John Ryan, they bought everything they could find.

The Bitter Bar

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James Lee, one of the best bartenders in Boulder and the nation, runs the Bitter Bar! So you're guaranteed to be in good hands during your visit. The Bitter Bar is known for their cocktails, but they also serve wine and even some rare beers! They've also got one of the best happy hours – more like happy three-hours – from 5-8 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Boulder House

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Cocktails are made fresh from garden-to-glass, and it's exactly what it sounds like! Boulder House grows fresh herbs specifically picked from their rooftop garden to pair with the massive selection of bitter and infused liquors. This gives you unique drinks you can't find anywhere else! Relax and enjoy the open-air rooftop as you sip on your cocktail, with a gorgeous view of the Flatirons.

Tip: It's only a year old and is one of Boulder's newest options, so it's not yet packed or crowded. It also claims to be the only bar in Boulder that resembles a nightclub – biggest dance floor in town. Get your drink on as you get your groove on!

License No. 1

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Formerly the Catacombs, License No. 1 is a darkened and sultry bar beneath the Boulderado hotel. It feels as if you've journeyed back in time straight into a speakeasy of the 1920's. It'll feel like that even more with classic cocktails like Old Fashioned's and Manhattans, among others, on their menu. Fun fact: in 1969, it was one of the first Bars in Boulder to receive its liquor license!

Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place

[gallery columns="2" size="large" type="rectangular" ids="11206,11205"] This one is rather unique! Shine serves the first energetically curated beverages, or so they claim. They call them potions, and they are crafted with special herbs, gem essence, flower essence, and sound frequencies. Yes, sound frequencies. They're basing this off the science of Masaru Emoto, who discovered that the environment of water affected its molecular structure. This line of thinking followed through into their cocktails. Their drinks are delicious, though.

The Dark Horse

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This long-lasting bar has been around since the 70's, and there's a reason it's been around as long as it has! It's decorated from floor to ceiling in movie props, antiques, and every other unique trinket in-between. Enjoy their vibrant cocktails as you come across a fire hydrant, old license plates, a jukebox and even a taxidermied buffalo head on the wall, all for decoration.

Have you been to any of these bars? If so, which one is your favorite? And if not, which one are you the most anxious to visit? Tell us in the comments! Bottoms up, Boulder! Let's drink!

Here are the top bars in Colorado Springs!