Fireworks won't be the only thing lighting up the sky this New Year's. The first Supermoon of 2018 is set to coincide with January 1.

NASA says that the next supermoon -- nicknamed the Wolf Moon -- will happen on January 1. It's set to be the first supermoon of 2018, and if you ask me, it's a very fitting way to start off the New Year! A supermoon is when the moon generally appears to be 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter, and it occurs during a full moon that falls on the same day that it reaches its perigree, also known as the point in the moon's elliptical orbit when it's close to Earth. The Royal Observatory reports that the supermoon will peak at approximately 7:24 p.m. (Mountain Time) on January 1.
It's not the only supermoon we'll be getting in January though. A few weeks later, on January 31, another supermoon will light up the night sky. Some people call the second full moon a "blue moon," and it typically happens every two and a half years. January 31's supermoon will also feature a total lunar eclipse. Because of this, the moon won't be as bright and end up having an eerie, faint glow that could turn it red in color. It will be visible from western North America, including Colorado, through the Pacific Ocean to eastern Asia. For Colorado specifically, the total eclipse will begin at 5:51 a.m., with the maximum eclipse happening at approximately 6:29 a.m. It will end around 7:07 a.m. If you're interested in what the total lunar eclipse will look like for Denver, click here. Will you be watching the supermoon on January 1? What about on January 31? Let us know in the comments below and don't forget to share your pictures of the moons with us!

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