The 25-year-old woman approached the bison near Black Sand Basin.

On Monday, a 25-year-old woman from Ohio was gored by a bison at Yellowstone National Park, reports the National Park Service. This is the first reported incident this year of a visitor "threatening a bison (getting too close to the animal) and the bison responding."

The National Park Service states the woman got within 10 feet of the bison, despite park regulations requiring visitors to remain more than 25 yards away from bison.

"As the bison walked near a boardwalk at Black Sand Basin (just north of Old Faithful), the female, on the boardwalk, approached it," said National Park Service in a statement. "Consequently, the bison gored the woman and tossed her 10 feet into the air."

The woman suffered a puncture wound and other injuries.

Emergency medical providers responded immediately and transported her to Easter Idaho Regional Medical Center.

Reports state that two other people were also within 25 yards of the same bison.

At the time of this writing, the woman is still alive, despite various outlets across the country reporting that she had died from her injuries.

The National Park Service has a guide about safety in the park. We highly encourage you to check it out!

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