Now, THAT is something you don't see every day!

We're all about the weird and mysterious here at So when we found out there had been, according to onlookers, a suspected UFO sighting, we were all over it!

Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty, allow us to preface this article:

*Whether or not aliens do or don't exist, this is all purely subjective. The following unidentified flying object (UFO) seen in the following video is exactly that, a yet-to-be-identified-flying-object, and nothing more.

A 23-year-old meatpacking plant worker was working the night shift in Amarillo, Texas, when he reportedly saw a streak of light in the sky. This prompted him to record the lightning storm, only to capture what he claims is a UFO.

"I’ve never really recorded the skies or anything and that day of the storm I really felt the need to record," he told Pen News. "Best case scenario it was a meteor because I’ve never seen one. And worst-case scenario, an alien invasion."

Many are comparing the video to HG Wells's famous science fiction novel The War of the Worlds.

Credit: Pen News

What do YOU think the mysterious flying object is? Aliens/UFO? A meteor? Comment below.