This summer, we thought we saw the last of Toys 'R' Us, but the toy store giant may have some life left in it after all ...

After filing for bankruptcy and closing hundreds of its stores, it looked like Toys 'R' Us was gone for good and wasn't coming back. We said our tearful goodbyes. We grieved our loss. We moved on to bigger and better things.

But recent news has been circulating about the internet, and it looks like Toys 'R' Us could be revived and back for a second act! That's right, folks. Toys 'R' Us is coming back ... well, maybe.

According to the Wall Street Journal,

"The retailer said in court papers filed Monday that while it received qualified bids for assets — which include the brand names of Toys 'R' Us, Babies 'R' Us, registry lists, website domains, Geoffrey the Giraffe and other assets — it has opted to forgo a much-anticipated bankruptcy auction for its brand name and other intellectual-property assets.

Toys 'R' Us’s proposed reorganization plan contemplates 'a new, operating Toys ‘R’ Us and Babies ‘R’ Us branding company that maintains existing global license agreements and can invest in and create new, domestic, retail operating businesses' under the brand name, court papers said."

However, details of when and how Toys 'R' Us will be brought back have not be shared yet.

Investors did say that they'll be working with potential partners to develop new ideas for the stores across the United States and in other countries that "could bring back these iconic brands in a new and re-imagined way."

So, while it's exciting about the possibility of Toys 'R' Us making a comeback, we're not getting our hopes up.

What do YOU think? Let us know in the comments below.