Plan on visiting the nation's capital? Get a COVID-19 test first.

That's the main takeaway from the new D.C. travel advisory that goes into effect on November 9. Mayor Muriel Bowser held a press conference to roll out the new rules which include:

  • Visitors from other states (excluding nearby Virginia and Maryland) should get a COVID-19 test within 72 hours of departing for D.C. and not travel if they get a positive result. They should also get a second test within their first week of arriving.
  • D.C. residents who travel and return to the District should either self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms for two weeks after returning from a trip or get a test within the first 3 to 5 days of returning.
  • Two categories of visitors are considered exempt for some portions of the new order: people who travel to D.C. for essential work and people who come to D.C. for emergency family situations like a funeral. These visitors should still do their best to get tested before their trips and self-monitor for symptoms.

At a time when COVID-related deaths have reached over 650, the goal of the order is to help mitigate the spread of the virus among D.C. residents and tourists alike. Testing facilities are available all throughout the city for COVID-19 tests, and you can even order home tests through LabCorp. For a full list of testing options in D.C., click here.

Lincoln Memorial

Courtesy of the National Mall and Memorial Parks

For more information, you can view the mayor's press release here. You can also read the full mayoral order here.

What do you think of the new D.C. travel advisory? Sound off in the comments!