When a woman came across a rattlesnake on an early morning walk, her puppy didn't hesitate to spring into action.

Paula Godwin had gone out on an early morning walk with her two golden retrievers and didn't expect anything out of the ordinary. If anything, the only thing she had been remotely concerned about was the sweltering Arizona heat. Luckily, her one-year-old puppy, Todd, was there when the unexpected happened.

Just as Godwin was about to step on a rattlesnake, Todd jumped in front of her leg in a heroic leap to prevent the snake from biting her and instead took the full brunt of the rattler's bite.

Godwin posted on Facebook to recount her puppy's bravery and wrote, "This is what a hero looks like." And we couldn't agree more. Her Facebook post about the rattlesnake encounter has been shared more than 1K times and has garnered roughly 1.4K comments.

As you can see from the photos below, poor Todd's face was very swollen.

But for those wondering about Todd's current condition, don't worry, because he's gonna be just fine. In fact, after returning home from Anthem Animal Hospital where his bite was treated, Godwin posted an update on her Facebook page Sunday morning stating that the brave pup is "doing so well" and thanked the community for their kindness and support.

Godwin has also started a GoFundMe in Todd's name to "provide help to other dogs and owners around the valley who may need help with paying bills for anti-venom as in this case!" To help support this incredible cause, please click here.

Rattlesnakes are all too common across the U.S., and with the summer season in full swing, they're out and about more often than usual. To make sure that you and your loved ones, including your pups, are safe when hiking on the trails this summer, we've put together some safety tips on how to be rattlesnake cautious and what to do when bitten by a rattlesnake.

Thank you, Paula Godwin, for sharing this incredible story of Todd's bravery. We wish him a full and speedy recovery!