While all eyes have been on April the giraffe in New York, we should’ve been focusing our attention on the Denver Zoo. Baby giraffe Dobby is born after surprise pregnancy!

As millions around the country await a giraffe’s birth in New York, another baby giraffe arrived in Denver. Dobby – a male – is standing tall after a surprise pregnancy and low-key birth on February 28th at the Denver Zoo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BRG5u8pBe-8/?taken-by=denverzoo Dobby was born to mother Kipele at 3 a.m., measuring at 5 feet tall and weighing 73 pounds. He is considered to be on the smaller side for the world’s tallest land mammal, but is expected to double in height during his first two years. Dobby is the first giraffe to be born at the Denver Zoo since October 2010. Along with Dobby’s parents and the other two adult females, Masika and Heshimu, he brings the zoo’s giraffe herd to a total of five. His birth came as a shock to zoo officials, and not simply because his mother is the oldest of the zoo’s giraffes at 23 years old. The bigger surprise was due to the fact that she was using birth control at the time of her impregnation. The zoo is thrilled, regardless of the pregnancy not being planned.

“Dobby may not have been a planned birth, but now that’s he’s here, we’re excited to have him and look forward to him engaging with our guests.” -Brian Aucone, Denver Zoo senior vice president for Animal Care and Conservation.

Despite Dobby’s health scare a few days after his birth, the baby giraffe is doing well and made his public debut on Sunday. To stay updated on the condition of Dobby, please visit the Denver Zoo’s Facebook page.

Baby Dobby isn’t the only giraffe making headlines!

Another giraffe was born in Maryland Zoo in Baltimore at the beginning of February. Willow is the first giraffe to be born at the Maryland Zoo in over 20 years. She measured at 6 feet tall and weighed 125 pounds when she was born. https://www.instagram.com/p/BRJDujeDJQ_/?taken-by=marylandzoo Giraffes seem to be dominating the nation as of late, and I’m perfectly fine with it! I will, more likely than not, be making regular visits to the Denver Zoo to see Dobby. It’ll be pretty tough to resist that cute face!

Howl with wolves at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center!