Have a dog that won’t quit begging for human food? Having trouble resisting their efforts? Fear not. Check out these 7 dog-safe foods to share with your pup!

It’s hard to resist the big, pleading eyes of your dog as they’re begging for the scraps off your table. Typically it is advised to not cave and feed your dog food off your plate due to their sensitive stomachs. But worry not, as we share with you 7 types of dog-safe foods that are safe for most furry companions. Be sure to consult your veterinarian first before trying these treats to be on the safe side.

Peanut Butter

This one is sure to keep your dog happy! Peanut butter contains healthy fats and proteins. It’s also a great way to get your dog to take those pesky pills they hate to swallow. Best way to feed them peanut butter? Fill a Kong with peanut butter and treats and watch as they enjoy this tasty concoction.


Slices of this delicious fruit make one of the perfect dog-safe foods. Not only are they yummy, but they also help to clean your dog’s teeth – win-win! You can also create apple dog chips, which are great for training!

Sweet Potato

Treat your best friend to something sweet! Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber and have a ton of vitamins that are beneficial to dogs. Slice and dehydrate them to make chewy treats your pup will love!

Plain Yogurt

Make sure you stay away from yogurts that contain artificial sweeteners like Xylitol and/or are high in sugar, as this can be harmful to your canine companion. Plain yogurt is the best, as it is full of calcium and proteins that will assist in the functioning of your dog’s digestive system.


NO RAW MEAT. Feed your dog unseasoned turkey, chicken, or ham, and they’ll be begging for more. Just stay clear of meat that contains any flavoring, such as onions and garlic. And remember to remove any bones!


Like meat, do not forget to fully cook the fish before sharing it with your pup. Fish is high in protein, healthy fats, and amino acids. Keep your dog’s fish intake to a minimum, because some types of fish, like canned sardines, can be high in salt.


Next to peanut butter, cheese is a favorite among dogs. Keep your eye out for low-fat cheeses, and be sure to monitor your dog for a bad reaction to the cheese because some dogs are lactose intolerant!

Now you know what foods your pup CAN have! They’ll certainly get your dog’s tail wagging!