Some stragglers from 2021's Brood X will be making their presence known this summer. Here's what you need to know about the emerging cicadas:

We all know about the millions of cicadas emerging through Virginia and Maryland last summer. (It's pretty hard to forget, honestly.) But it looks as if some "late bloomers" from Brood X will be making an appearance this year.

Now, don't expect to see anywhere near the amount we saw in last year's "Swarmageddon." In fact, it's likely only gonna be a handful of cicadas, according to reports. Which, we're sure, is a welcome relief for those of us who aren't fans of bugs!

You may be wondering when the next big swarm will be emerging. Reports indicate that the next Brood X cicada swarm won't emerge until 2038, so we've got a good 16 years until they'll be making an appearance.

If you do happen to see any cicadas this summer, you're encouraged to use the Cicada Safari app! "Photograph and submit the periodical cicadas to Cicada Safari, and after the photos are verified, they will be posted to the live map," says the Cicada Safari website.

And in case you do come across any bugs, we've put together a handy guide on what you need to know about cicadas and your pets.

Stay safe out there!