The woman ventured too far out into the road and caused a massive pileup of cyclists.

Considered the world's largest cycling event, the Tour de France got postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic and was set to make a grand return in 2021. Well, it's certainly an event that people are talking about. Unfortunately, it's not the cyclists or the race that has conversations going; it's the huge accident that was caused by a spectator on the first stage of the race on June 26.

A woman, 30, who remains unidentified, caused a massive pileup of cyclists when she ventured too far out on the road and created a domino effect of cyclists. German cyclist Tony Martin was the first to make contact with the cardboard sign and was sent tumbling, creating mass chaos in a manner of seconds. And there were about 47 kilometers (about 29 miles) left of the stage when this occurred, too.

The spectator presented herself at a police station on Wednesday, four days after the accident took place, when she was promptly arrested, per Reuters. She is accused of involuntarily causing injury and putting the lives of others at risk.

Fines could reach 1,500 euros (approximately $1,780) for the woman, reports indicate. However, that amount could increase if German cyclist Jasha Sutterlin files his own complaint against the spectator after he was forced to withdraw from the tour following the crash.

Days before her arrest, law enforcement officials from the Finistère area announced they opened an investigation into the cause of "involuntary Injuries with Disabilities not exceeding 3 months by manifestly deliberate breach of an obligation of safety or caution ... The viewer causing this accident left the scene before the investigators arrived."

Watch the accident unfold as it did in real-time during the race:

Courtesy of NBC

The sign read "Allez Opi-Omi" (translated from French and German means "Come on granddad-granny").