It's like a scene out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie ...

An insane video was recently captured that shows hundreds of yellow-headed blackbirds appearing to fall from the sky and crash into the ground, resulting in some of them dying. It's as mysterious as it is eerie ...

The security camera footage shows the flock of blackbirds flying through the northern Mexican city of Cuauhtémoc. The migratory birds swarm together like a big black cloud of smoke, only to crash down onto the pavement beneath them.

Watch the video below:

According to local reports, the incident occurred on February 7.

Many experts are attributing this strange phenomenon to a predatory bird swooping down and disrupting the flock's flying patterns. However, there are a few who think it could be a result of high levels of pollution or cold weather in the area. There were even speculative posts on social media blaming 5G technology.

Regardless of the cause, the video itself is very odd.

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