A Jordanian man was parasailing in the Red Sea when the shark attacked.

What feels like could be a scene straight out of Jaws, a parasailor was recently attacked by a shark in the Red Sea, resulting in the loss of most of his foot, severed tendons and muscles, and several broken bones. Footage was captured of the Jordanian man in a tandem parasail, just above the water, when a shark emerges and bites him on the leg.

The 37-year-old man was taken by emergency services to Jordan's Prince Hashem Military Hospital in Aqaba. His condition is stable, at the time of this writing.

You can watch the video of the shark attack below:

*Warning: the following footage is graphic and may be disturbing to some. Watch with caution.*

Mohammad Qatawneh, from the Aqaba International Dive Centre, spoke with local media and said that shark attacks in the Gulf of Aqaba are "very rare."

"I've been diving for 20 years and this is the first time I've heard of a shark attack," Qatawneh added.

Have you ever seen or experienced anything like this shark attack? Let us know in the comments below.