Spider Apocalypse: "A world where spiders rule."

If you're an arachnophobe, then this may be your worst nightmare come true. A video has recently gone viral after showing a huge blanket of webs along the region of Gippsland in the state of Victoria, Australia, after it was hit by harsh floods this month. Residents were told to evacuate; and much like their human counterparts, the spiders also fled to safety, creating the giant blanket of webs.

Millions of spiders are all over this web blanket, says Dr. Ken Walker, a senior curator of entomology at the Melbourne Museum. Millions. *Shivers*

This technique is called "ballooning" and allows spiders to climb to higher ground for safety purposes. Per the Australian Museum's website, it involves spiders "ascending to a high point on foliage and letting out fine silk lines that catch the breeze and eventually gain enough lift to waft the spider up and away."

Check out the incredible web blanket below:

Professor Dieter Hochuli, an ecologist from the University of Sydney, said, "This is a surprisingly common phenomenon after floods. When we get these types of very heavy rains and flooding, these animals who spend their lives cryptically on the ground can't live there anymore, and do exactly what we try to do—they move to the higher ground."

In recent news, a new species of venomous spider was found in Miami. Yay ...

What do you think of this video? Have you ever seen anything like this before? Sound off in the comments below. Interested in more bizarre wildlife videos? Click here to watch our picks for this week's compilation.