Forget angelic choirs of children, state-of-the-art technology, or giant fireworks, the star of the show at the opening ceremony this year was ... a pictogram.

That's right, a royal blue, life-sized pictogram won hearts the world over as it hilariously went through dozens of postures representing the various sports of the Olympic Games. From swimming to sailing, basketball to power-lifting, hardly any events were left out of the routine.

Take a look:

Not only did the pictogram perform before thousands, but it also took time out of its busy schedule to attend an official press conference. Unfortunately, there were some technical difficulties and we didn't get to hear its responses.

The Twitterverse agrees that this new global superstar is one to watch. NBC is even urging people to send in their own pictogram videos in a fun, impromptu challenge.

Check out the results on Twitter:

The Olympic Games can currently be found on NBC (July 23 to August 8) and streaming online on the official NBC website. For more highlights from the summer Olympics in Tokyo, including up-to-the-minute scores and medal tallies, follow along on Twitter.

Have you been watching the Olympics this year? What were your favorite moments from the opening ceremony? Share them with us in the comments.