The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network ranked 146 countries for the annual report.

When it comes to happiness, nowhere else on earth is happier than those in Finland, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network's annual World Happiness Report.

Researchers looked at citizens' trust in their governments and how they played a big factor in a country's overall happiness.

"The World Happiness Report is changing the conversation about progress and wellbeing. It provides important snapshots of how people around the world feel about the overall quality of their lives," said Christopher Barrington-Leigh, professor at McGill University in Quebec and a researcher involved in the report.

As far as the United States is concerned, we ranked at No. 16 out of 146—the best we've ranked since 2017 when we were No. 14. Over the last seven years, the U.S. has fluctuated, from No. 13 (2016) to No. 19 (2019) and everything in between.

Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World:

  1. Finland: 7.821
  2. Denmark: 7.636
  3. Iceland: 7.557
  4. Switzerland: 7.512
  5. Netherlands: 7.415
  6. Luxembourg: 7.404
  7. Sweden: 7.384
  8. Norway: 7.365
  9. Israel: 7.364
  10. New Zealand 7.200

On the flip side, there are also the world's unhappiest countries...

Top 10 Unhappiest Countries in the World:

  1. Afghanistan: 2.404
  2. Lebanon: 2.955
  3. Zimbabwe: 2.995
  4. Rwanda: 3.268
  5. Botswana: 3.471
  6. Lesotho: 3.512
  7. Sierra Leone: 3.574
  8. Tanzania: 3.702
  9. Malawi: 3.750
  10. Zambia: 3.760

View the full rankings for the World Happiness Report.

What do you think of the United States' ranking on the World Happiness Report? Share your thoughts in the comments below.