As residents endure the aftermath of multiple earthquakes in Puerto Rico, José Andrés and World Central Kitchen are on hand to provide hot meals all over the island.

Puerto Rico's residents and volunteers alike are grateful for the free food provided by World Central Kitchen (WCK) in the aftermath of last week's earthquakes. D.C. chef José Andrés' world-class organization has erected 50 meal distribution centers in Puerto Rico, and fresh meals are being served on a daily basis.

cooking, World Central Kitchen

In addition to bringing food to the public, WCK also gives residents an opportunity to help out in any way they can. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up and assist in the effort at a local level.

It's not just hot meals on the menu in Puerto Rico; WCK is purchasing fresh fruit from local farms and vendors to round out the healthy offerings. This sort of investment in the community is a big boost for the island's economy during this uncertain time.

You can follow along with the WCK mission in Puerto Rico on their Twitter page. They are maintaining a map of where they'll be serving, and this is the best place to find real-time updates.

Learn more about World Central Kitchen and their mission on their website. You can also make a donation to support their efforts here.

World Central Kitchen, Jose Andres

**The photos in this article are courtesy of World Central Kitchen on Facebook.

Have you ever volunteered with WCK or been on the receiving end of their help? Tell us about it in the comments.