The games will go on, but anyone not already in Japan will not be able to attend the Olympics this summer.

If you were planning a trip to Japan to catch some of your favorite events, we've got a bit of bad news for you. After over a year of COVID-19 lockdowns, the organizers of the Olympic Games have just announced that events will be closed to international spectators.

Tickets were originally sold to audiences all over the world to view the games in the summer months of 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic to spread across the globe, the organizing committee delayed the entire event until 2021. Ticketholders were reassured that their purchases would transfer to the new schedule, but now that is no longer the case.

Viewers watching at home this summer will see a somewhat modified version of the games, with smaller audiences, social distancing, and face masks. You can read more about the health and safety guidelines put into place by the International Olympic Committee here. There is a distinct possibility that these changes may carry over to the Winter Olympics to be held in Beijing in 2022.

Check out the Tokyo 2020 Twitter feed for updates and behind-the-scenes videos:

For more information about tickets to the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, visit the official Tokyo 2020 website or the page for ticket sales. You can request your refund by clicking on "My Ticket" when you log in, and be sure to choose the English version of the website.

What are your thoughts on this recent announcement? Makes sense, given current conditions, or is it a bit much? Sound off in the comments!