The Queen Elizabeth mini-me even has a pair of corgis!

Cue the awws.

Queen Elizabeth has an adorable American mini-me! A 1-year-old girl from Ohio dressed up as the British monarch for Halloween last year, and her mom ended up sending photos of the costume to the palace. And they got a response back last month!

Katelyn Sutherland, mom to 1-year-old Jalayne, received a letter from the Queen's lady-in-waiting, the Hon. Mary Morrison. And here's what she wrote:

"The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your letter, and for the photograph you thoughtfully enclosed. Her Majesty thought it kind of you to write to her, and The Queen was pleased to see the photograph of your daughter, Jalayne, in her splendid outfit. Her Majesty hopes you all have a very Merry Christmas, and I am enclosing a little information about the Royal Pets, which Jalayne might like to have."

And we totally agree with the Queen. Jalayne's outfit is "splendid"!

What do you think of Jalayne's Halloween costume? Share your thoughts in the comments below.