Turn your eyes toward the skies.

Mark your calendars! There are a ton of amazing celestial events happening in 2022, and we're so excited! So grab those cameras, telescopes, and maybe a cup of hot chocolate, and get ready for some out-of-this-world stargazing! Here are 8 can't-miss stargazing events happening in 2022:

Mars, Venus, and Saturn in Alignment

  • When: March 27–29

Mars, Venus, and Saturn will appear to form a small triangle near the moon on March 27–29. So you'll be able to see all three planets in the same field of view in your telescope or binoculars.

Lyrid Meteor Shower

  • When: April 16–23

We've written about the Lyrid Meteor Shower before, and it's one of our favorite stargazing events of the year! Every April, the Earth passes through the debris trail of comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher—which was discovered on April 5, 1861. 

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower

  • When: May 5–6

Another annual meteor shower, the Eta Aquarids happen every year when the Earth passes through debris left behind by Comet Halley. The shower gets its name from Eta Aquarii, the brightest star in the Aquarius constellation.

Total Lunar Eclipse (aka Blood Moon)

  • When: May 15–16, November 8

This lunar eclipse happens twice in 2022 and is when the moon appears to turn red, hence, the "Blood Moon" name. The moon doesn't have its own light source, so it reflects sunlight. When the Earth moves between the sun and the moon, no light is reflected and gives the moon a reddish glow.

3 Supermoons

  • When: June 14, July 13, and August 12

There will be three—count 'em, three—supermoon events in 2022. A supermoon is when a full moon appears to be 30% brighter and 14% larger due to its proximity to the Earth along its elliptical orbit (perigee).

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, AND Saturn in Alignment

  • When: June 24

Am I the only one who thought of Hercules because of this event? You know, in the movie, when the planets align and the Titans all break free? Well, this is like that, but without the Titans. All five planets will be visible to the naked eye. Oh, and the moon will be in line between Venus and Mars.

Perseid Meteor Shower

  • When: August 12–13

Considered by NASA as "the best meteor shower of the year," this is one can't-miss stargazing event of 2022! Seriously. Named after the constellation Perseus, the shower occurs when the Earth passes through debris left by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

Mars in Opposition

  • When: December 8

When Mars is in opposition, it appears brighter than normal. This is because the planet is closer to the Earth but on the opposite side of Earth than the sun, giving it a bright appearance. 

Which of the above celestial events are you excited to see this year? Any that we missed on our list? Email us!

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