Going to a concert and need to show your vaccine card? Use an app instead.

The Delta variant of the coronavirus has been an unwelcome summer visitor. With high case counts forcing the return of mask mandates and social distancing, some businesses are starting to ask for proof of vaccination for entry. Concerts, restaurants, gyms, and Broadway shows are just some of the businesses that already are requiring vaccines or negative test results. But carrying around that odd-sized vaccine card can be inconvenient and many people worry it will get lost. Here are some easy apps to prove your status.

Take a Picture

The easiest way to prove you are vaccinated for casual purposes is to keep a copy on your phone. Just snap a picture with your smartphone, crop the sides, and save it to your photos. You can also use an application like Notes on iPhone to scan a copy. Make sure to save it to a folder so you can find it in a hurry.

State Immunization Registry

If a scanned or photocopy isn’t acceptable, you may be able to use your state’s health department registry to prove you are vaccinated. If you live in Maryland; Washington, D.C.; Mississippi; Louisiana; North Dakota; Arizona; or Washington, you can use an app called MyIR Mobile to access your vaccination records. To find out if your state has something similar, contact your local health department.

Identity Apps

There are several smartphone apps that store a verified copy of your record. Clear, the company known for getting you past the airport security line, has an option to add vaccination records as well as COVID testing results. Testing result apps are useful when traveling to and from places that require negative test results to enter and exit. The downside is you may have to pay a monthly fee or a transaction fee. If you’re looking for a free option, Vaxyes provides a free digitized version of your vaccination card for free.

Are there other apps out there for vaccination cards? Comment below.