If you noticed a hazy sky blanketing the sun, you're not alone.

Depending on where you were yesterday, you may have noticed an eerie, smudgy haze. The sun struggled to shine through it, looking more like the setting moon, which is actually a 5 percent crescent right now.

Believe it or not, it was traces of the smoke from the dozens of wildfires currently burning out west. Turns out, the jet stream is pushing some of the smoke across the country.

People across the East Coast took to Twitter to share their own eerie images of the hazy skies and its effects on the sun.

Meteorologists expect the haze to stick around for a few days as the jet stream continues to carry it across the country. According to news reports, it will take rain showers to clear it out of the area.

Are you seeing the haze from the wildfires near you? What are your thoughts on the smoke reaching as far as the East Coast? Sound off about it in the comments!