The company announced it was recalling the mask this past weekend after a storm erupted online.

Skincare company Yes To has decided to recall its Grapefruit Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Unicorn Paper Mask after complaints surfaced that it caused irritation and severe burns. The masks were sold in Target and ULTA stores and have been removed from the shelves. The brand is popular with teens and adults, with several teenagers reporting red and burned skin from wearing the mask for just a few minutes.

After users posted pictures on social media of their red skin, the company issued a statement on its social media pages:

β€œIn light of reports that our Grapefruit Vitamin C Glow-Boosting Unicorn Paper Mask has resulted in skin irritation for some consumers, Yes To has decided to remove this particular product from store shelves while we investigate. At Yes To, the safety and satisfaction of our customers are our main concerns. We value you and apologize to anyone who was affected in this way, especially over the holiday season.”

Yes To is encouraging anyone who has been negatively affected by the mask to email customer service at [email protected] or call (888) 929-3786. If you have not opened the mask, return it to the retailer for a refund or contact Yes To customer service.

Vitamin C is a key ingredient in a lot of skincare products and helps hasten the removal of dead skin and increase cell turnover. However, it can be irritating to the skin, especially in higher percentages. A good rule of thumb when using any Vitamin C skin product is to do a spot allergy test before applying it all over your face. For sheet masks, open the mask and dab some of the serum on your wrist. Put in the opened mask in a sealable plastic bag until you pass the allergy test.

Were you one of the ones who experienced an adverse reaction to this mask? We'd love to hear your experience in the comments!