A new bill was introduced to the Colorado House recently, and it would grant school nurses the ability to give medical marijuana to a student with a medical marijuana registry card.

On March 8, the Colorado House was introduced to a new bill (House Bill 18-1286) by Democratic Rep. Dylan Roberts, Democratic Sen. Irene Aguilar, and Republican Sen. Vicki Marble. And it would give school nurses the ability to give students medical marijuana if they have medical marijuana registry cards. Currently, the bill is under consideration and must be reviewed by the health, insurance, and environment committee before it can move forward.
Basically, it'd allow for a school nurse, or the nurse's designee, to be in possession and administer the medical marijuana in a non-smokable form to a student at the school. It also protects the nurse or designee protection from criminal prosecution when administering the drug. The bill, in part, also states: "The primary caregiver OR SCHOOL NURSE OR THE SCHOOL NURSE'S DESIGNEE shall not administer the non-smokeable medical marijuana in a manner that creates disruption to the educational environment or causes exposure to other students." Once the medical marijuana is given to a student, it is the nurse's responsibility to remove it from "the grounds of the preschool or primary or secondary school, the school bus, or school-sponsored event." You can read the full introductory bill here. What do you think? Are you in support of this new bill? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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