Many of us will always remember where we were the day the Challenger exploded.

The terrible mid-air explosion was caught on camera as the world watched the fateful launch 35 years ago. Just over a minute after it took off, the shuttle suffered major malfunctions and was destroyed mid-flight on January 28, 1986, killing everyone on board.

To remember the crew, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) posted this touching video on January 28:

One crew member, in particular, Christa McAuliffe, was particularly lauded as the first teacher who would ever go into space. Perhaps because of her, school children all over the country and their teachers were tuned in for the launch at school.

People are taking to Twitter to share their memories of where they were on that terrible day.

Do you recall where you were on the day the Challenger launched? Share your memories in the comments.