Texas and Louisiana residents should brace for a Category 4 hurricane at this point.

Hurricane Laura is intensifying in the Gulf of Mexico, and the National Hurricane Center (NHC) now estimates landfall as a Category 4 storm. The NHC is urging residents to evacuate or complete their preparations as soon as possible before they are dealing with sustained winds of 130–156 miles per hour.

Coastal areas can expect to see a dangerous storm surge along the Louisiana-Texas border and for a wide swath on either side in both states.

It is currently estimated to possibly reach as far as 30 miles inland once the hurricane hits the shore.

Local waterways and low-lying roads in the storm's path will see flash flooding, so residents who do not evacuate should be prepared to shelter in place in a safe location until the storm passes. 


**The infographics in this article are courtesy of the National Hurricane Center.

For more information about Hurricane Laura's projected path, follow along with the National Hurricane Center's Twitter feed's constant updates. You can also watch the NHC Facebook page and official website.

Our thoughts are with everyone in the storm's path and those of you with loved ones in the area. Stay safe, everyone!