Domestic travelers to Hawaii will no longer need to quarantine or show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test.

On March 26, Hawaii's Safe Travels program is officially ending. Domestic travelers to Hawaii will no longer need to quarantine or show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test.

"At the end of the day, March 25, 2022, the Safe Travels Hawai‘i program will conclude," writes the government website. "Beginning March 26, 2022, there will be no COVID-related requirements for arriving domestic passengers. Travelers arriving in Hawai‘i directly from international airports must still comply with U.S. federal requirements; consult with your airline."

State Governor David Ige took to Twitter to announce the end of the program:

The Safe Travels was initially meant to end months ago when Hawaii reached a 70% vaccination rate; however, it was extended due to the delta variant.

Will this change impact your travel plans to Hawaii? Sound off with your thoughts in the comments below.