Calling all stargazers! Turn your sights towards the skies this weekend as the first meteor shower of the fall season is nearly here. The Draconid meteor shower will occur between October 6–10, peaking between October 8–9.

You should, however, plan to be outside earlier rather than later to improve your odds. The Draconids are an oddity among meteor showers—instead of the radiant reaching its highest point around or after midnight, it is at its highest just as the sky starts to get dark, says EarthSky.

Fortunately, your view of the meteor shower will be uninterrupted, as the moon will be in its new moon phase, preventing light pollution from blocking the show.

The Draconid meteor shower won't be the only one to light up the night sky this month; the Orionids will see its peak around October 21–22.

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