Police officers all over the country will be taking part in the Click It or Ticket initiative aimed at ensuring driver use of safety belts.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) put out a statement about the national Click It or Ticket campaign, set to run from May 20 to June 2, 2019. Officers will be out in full force, day and night, to ensure that people are buckled up.

seat belt sign

Here are some jarring statistics from the NHTSA statement about the Click It or Ticket campaign:

  • In 2017, NHTSA reported that 10,076 fatalities in passenger vehicle crashes occurred when the victims weren't wearing their seatbelts.
  • Of those reported deaths, 55 percent occurred at night (between the hours of 6 p.m. and 5:59 a.m.)
  • The NHTSA estimates that 14,955 lives were saved by seat belts in 2017.

Armed with this information, why wouldn't you wear your seat belt every trip? Is it too uncomfortable? Adjust the height setting on it or get a soft seat belt cover. Kids get too fussy? Get them a cute seat belt cover, too! There is simply no excuse for not wearing your seat belt, folks, so get to clicking!

seat belt

Bottom line, every time you get in a car, whether you're driving or the passenger, put on your seat belt. It can be tempting to leave it off if you're in the backseat, but it simply isn't safe. Parents, don't forget, your kids are learning behaviors from you – even in the car.

Would you put a frosted cake in the backseat without securing it in place somehow? I didn't think so!

For more information about the Click It or Ticket nationwide campaign, read the NHTSA statement about its rollout.

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of the NHTSA Facebook page.

What are your thoughts on the Click It or Ticket initiative? Let us know in the comments!