Get those recipes ready – the Hallmark Channel is casting for an upcoming Christmas baking contest. Do you think you have what it takes?

For a casting call like this, it isn't just about the food, though you must be able to produce delicious Christmas cookies and treats. You'll need to have the right look, the right on-air personality, and a bit of a competitive streak. Most importantly, you must be able to be in Los Angeles for filming, July 29 to August 4, 2019. The grand prize for the contest is $25,000 in cash and some hardcore TV street cred.

They're looking for contestants of all ages and ethnicities – just be over 18 and a GREAT baker.

jam cookies

Don't delay – the casting call was announced by Wyldside Media on June 20, and the application seems to be on a rolling basis. To enter, check out the online application. You will need to include a brief video about yourself and your baking background, as well as photos of your Christmas cookies and best cookies you've ever made. Looks like you've got some baking in the works if you want to apply!

Here are some tips from the casting company on how to put your best foot forward:

  • Have someone film you or use a tripod and shoot your video in a quiet, well-lit room. 
  • Let your personality and energy shine! Answer the questions directly, but inject your own backstory into your responses.
  • Make sure you highlight anything like family traditions or special baking experience that may set you apart from other applicants.
  • At the end of the day, this is a Christmas cookie competition. Take special care with your cookie photographs and make the images leap off the screen.


**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of Pexels.

So, what do you think? Could you win a national baking contest? Why do you think the Hallmark Channel should pick you to be a contestant? Let us know in the comments!