Keith Villa, the man behind Blue Moon, has created a non-alcoholic, cannabis-infused beer, and he's launching it in Colorado this fall.

Brewmaster Keith Villa, the founder of Blue Moon, is launching a new kind of beer in Colorado. Well, minus the alcohol. Through a new company called Ceria Beverages, a line of non-alcoholic, cannabis-infused beer will be the first of its kind to contain THC. While many other companies do offer cannabis-infused beer, they don't contain THC. Instead, they're infused with hemp extract. Brewers are prohibited from using marijuana in their beers, according to federal law. But, what keeps Villa and his brew from being weeded out (see what we did there?) is that his "beer" doesn't contain alcohol. So, technically, he's not doing anything illegal. [caption id="attachment_35477" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]cannabis-infused beer Courtesy of Ceria Beverages[/caption]
Villa's formula is designed to mimic the effects of booze and give users that high, without a raging headache. "This is really about brewing great beer that beer drinkers love," Villa told USA Today. "You'd just swap out an alcoholic beer for one of our beers." He went on to say, "I've been seeing firsthand where consumers are drinking less and less beer. This is an alternative to regular, alcoholic craft beer." There will be three new drinks infused with Ebbu products -- the marijuana company partnering with Ceria -- and they'll include a light beer, a wheat beer, and a barrel-aged stout. Those interested in the new drinks will have to wait a little bit before trying any of them with their buds, though, because they won't become available in Colorado joints until the fall. The company does have plans to expand to other states that permit legal marijuana next year. What do you think? Will you try the cannabis-infused drinks once they become available? Or will you be sticking to your regular (alcoholic) beer instead? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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