The CDC recently extended the travel mask mandate through May 3.

A federal judge in Florida recently moved to strike down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) mask mandate for travelers.

The ruling, from U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa, Florida, said the CDC's mask mandate "violates the procedures required for agency rulemaking."

In a text sent to NBC News, Brant Hadaway, the attorney who introduced the lawsuit, said, "The court agreed that the CDC overstepped its statutory authority when it ordered every person who enters a travel conveyance or travel hub to wear a mask."

The suit alleged the CDC mandate was "arbitrary and capricious," since it gave exemptions to certain groups (i.e., children under 2 years old), but not others.

However, lawyers for the Biden administration argued the mask mandate was a conventional sanitation measure under the CDC’s authority.

At the time of this writing, it's unclear how soon the ruling will be implemented, if at all, or if the Justice Department will seek an order to halt the ruling and file an appeal.

The CDC recently extended the travel mask mandate to May 3.

Following this, United Airlines on Monday said it would continue to enforce the mask mandates:

In related news, back in March, 11 airline CEOs wrote a letter addressed to President Biden to lift the federal mask mandate.

*This is an ongoing story and will be updated accordingly. Refresh for the latest!