Rides, arcade games, and more attractions from the closed Heritage Square Amusement Park are going up for sale in an auction next week.

The Heritage Square Amusement Park said its last goodbye in July of this year, and we all shed a tear for the beloved park that saw generations of Colorado children and families flood through its gates for more than 30 years. But now, you can own a piece of its treasured past, as many items are being put up for auction to the public.

Norton Auctioneers of Michigan will auction countless rides, games, go-kart fleets, paddle boats, restaurant equipment, and more on Thursday, Oct. 25, at the former park's closed-down location (18301 W. Colfax Ave.) -- set to begin at 10:30 a.m. and come to a close at 5 p.m.

You can view the full list of items here.

A preview of the items will be held the day before, from 2 to 5 p.m., as well as at 9 a.m. the day of the auction.

According to the park's website, buyers will have auction day until 5 p.m., and October 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., to remove their bought items. Those who purchase the larger items (a 1977 Eli Ferris Wheel or a 1963 Tilt A Whirl, for example) will be given additional time for removal. ALL items must be removed by November 13.

For more information on the auction, click here.

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