When trouble hits, World Central Kitchen won't be far behind.

Food is comfort, and no one knows that better than the volunteers at World Central Kitchen (WCK). This D.C.-based organization travels all over the world, providing food and hope in the wake of a multitude of disasters.

Right now, they're doing their magic for the Louisiana and Texas residents hit hard by Hurricane Laura. In addition to feeding local residents, the WCK crew is also shining a social media spotlight on the devastation in the area. 

Local residents who are able to help out are always encouraged to volunteer. The more the merrier when it comes to feeding as many people as possible!

D.C.-based chef José Andrés has built this organization into a first-class philanthropy that helps out all over the world. From natural disasters to government shutdowns, WCK provides nourishing food to people in need wherever they are. To date, they've served millions of meals in their role as "food first responders."

If you'd like to make a donation to help out with their efforts, visit the World Central Kitchen website. Don't have the cash but still want to contribute? Consider donating your time next time they need local helpers!

Have you ever volunteered with WCK or been a recipient of their help? Tell us about your firsthand experience in the comments!